Monday, August 26, 2019

Police Brutality of the Mentally Ill Suspects Assignment

Police Brutality of the Mentally Ill Suspects - Assignment Example The policemen responsible for handling such cases will be observed discreetly as they work so that they may not change their treatment towards the mentally ill suspects. However, this kind of method raises some ethical concerns. Second, the research study could generate distrust to the participants such that future research on the subject would be difficult to obtain information or cooperation of the participants. Finally, the police did not agree to be studied at their workstations. Therefore, no consent was obtained for this exercise (Kothari, 2005). The hypothesis for the observation method would be: mentally ill suspects maltreatment by police decreases the quality of services. The independent and dependent variables respectively would be the police treatment and quality of services. Â  The sampling procedure that will be used is the convenience sampling. This is because not all the police within the station deal with the mentally ill suspects and, therefore, those who deal directly with the suspects are better placed to guide the research team into collecting adequate information. Another purpose for this is that the matter requires prompt action and, therefore, the sampling is fast and reliable for such a case. Limitations regarding validity and reliability of the study will include determining if the instrument used in the research will be accepted by the panelists who are going to fund the training. Second, would be determining if the results are valid such that the research can be replicated by other researchers and give the same results. Third, the research team is to determine the conclusions obtained after the study will match the reality on the ground ((Kothari, 2005). Â  

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